How to Make Fresh Ginger Last Longer

Do you ever have ginger go bad waiting to be used in the next recipe. If you do, I've got a solution for you. Come on over and see how to make fresh ginger last longer.

Ginger root, do you purchase ginger root for cooking? Have you ever have it go bad before you can use it all up? I know I hate to have food wasted. Believe it or not ginger root can be a little expensive.
Ginger root can cost as much per pound as a nice beef roast. You wouldn’t let a nice cut of beef go bad in the refrigerator while waiting for the perfect recipe to use it in, would you? Do the same for your ginger and tuck it away for later use.

I’ve made a video to show you how I keep ginger on hand and keep it from going bad. Just play the video below or scroll down to read the technique I use below. Can see the video? Try here.

How to Make Fresh Ginger Last

When you purchase the fresh ginger root from the store bring it home and peel it. Ginger can easily be peeled with a spoon, knife or vegetable peeler. You just want to get all the skin off of it so it’s nice and clean.

Then once it’s peeled. Place it into a zipper freezer bag and label it. I know you’ll probably remember what it is 3 weeks later, but just in case you don’t, be sure to label it. I know I always think I’m going to remember what it is and I don’t.

Place the peeled ginger in the freezer. When you are making a recipe that calls for fresh ginger all you need to do is grate or slice it, right off the frozen piece of ginger root. Place the unused portion back into the freezer.

Do you ever have ginger go bad waiting to be used in the next recipe. If you do, I've got a solution for you. Come on over and see how to make fresh ginger last longer.

That’s all there is to keeping fresh ginger root from going bad. The next time you need to purchase ginger make sure to follow these steps and your ginger will last. And you’ll save money too.

Do you have a great way to keep food from going bad? I would love to have you share it with me, as I’m always on the lookout for new ways to keep food usable longer. If you have a great idea, I would love to have you leave it below, in the comments or share it with me through my contact page. So I can share it here on the blog.

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  1. There is a place to put unused green onions. Chop them all in little slices and freeze them in a tupperware-like package. Just pull some out when you need some.

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