Early To Rise Challenge…Motivation

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What motivates you?

At times we all struggle with doing new things, doing the things you know you need to do to make a change. Each morning is a struggle for me, a battle between will I get up and grab my quiet of the day or will I hit the snooze and go back to sleep. Most days are not easy days. I must push myself out of bed to take that first step. Then once I am moving I can keep on going.

My motivation to get out of bed is remember the peace and quiet of that first morning. How nice it was just to sit and think, to hear the warm air rushing through the vents. Something I don’t get to do most of the day, just sit and be quiet. I also have found I have a better attitude throughout the day when I am up early and have some time for myself. The day just seems to go smoother or maybe it is my outlook is just better. Either way it is a motivator for me.

If you struggle with getting up early you need to find something to motivate you. Maybe it is having an accountability partner you can reach out to with a text or an email each morning to let them know you are up. Or making a deal with your spouse to give up something if you stay in bed too long. Finding something to motivate you can make all the difference in winning the battle to get up.

Getting up in the morning is hard some days but if you have something that can motivate you to climb out of the bed it will really help.

My day started at,

Thursday Morning Time

This post is linked up at,




  1. Hi Shelly, I’m loving these posts. My motivation to get out of bed early is that when I get up before my kids, I can get things done in less time and with less interruptions. I also feel a bit more focused in the morning.

    I wasn’t able to get up before the kids today, but I’m hoping for an early start tomorrow.

    1. Sandra, I am glad you are enjoying the Early to Rise posts. I am enjoying this challenge so much, much more than I thought I would. I can agree with you about feeling more focused in the morning too. I hope you were able to get an early start today.

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