Early to Rise Challenge…Grab a Partner

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Invite Someone to Rise Early with You

Have you been doing this challenge all on your own? If you have todays the day to invite your spouse or a friend to join you in getting up early.

I had someone with me today during my quiet time but it wasn’t my husband. Our cat joined me for a bit this morning. She usually stays in bed sleeping right next to my husband after I get up but today I think she wanted to see what I did each morning. So she joined me for a bit. Then she wandered off, I am assuming back to the warm bed.

I know my husband had already talked about getting up early with me but didn’t want to impose upon my quiet time in the morning. He is awake when I get up but he usually stays in bed to listen to the radio and read emails. So he is awake just not up and moving around each morning with me.

Having someone to be accountable to is really important when trying to establish a new habit. I know if I weren’t blogging about this challenge I could have easily talked myself out of getting up quite a few mornings. So if you are struggling be sure to invite someone to join you in getting up early, it can make a world of difference.

Today I pried myself out of bed at,

friday Rise Time


Do you have someone to be accountable to?


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