5 Reason Why a Budget Is Important

Budgets, I’ve found that most people either love budgeting and see the value in having one or they don’t. I was one in the group of “I don’t see the value in budgeting” early in my life. But I’ve changed my mind. I see the importance of a budget and I’m sharing why a budget is important in today’s podcast.

On the fence about budgeting? Take a peek at these 5 reason why budgeting is important. They help us turn around our finances.

When I was in college I wasn’t making much money and didn’t think I really needed a budget. I wasn’t making much but my expenses were low and I always had the money for the things I needed so why did I need to budget.

Then after I was married, my husband and I made good money. We had enough to pay our bills and have extra. But then we found ourselves in debt. To get out of that debt we started budgeting, telling our money where to go each month, so our money wouldn’t go to things we didn’t really need or think were important.

I’m hoping if you are on the fence about budgeting these 5 reasons will help to show why a budget is important. It changed our financial lives for the better and we were able to still include fun things even while we were digging out of debt.

Links I Talked about in the Podcast

Budgeting Series

On the fence about budgeting? Take a peek at these 5 reason why budgeting is important. They help us turn around our finances.

I would love to hear why you do or don’t budget in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast too.

One Comment

  1. I’m still trying to get into the habit of using cash envelopes. I’ll do ok for a week or two, then go back to using my debit card because I forget to take out cash. I find that I do spend more when I use my debit card, however, so I’m really going to make an effort to start using cash again.

    Thanks for another great podcast!

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