Getting Organized (and Stay Organized) In Just Minutes a Day

Inside: Getting organized can seem like a big task. But you don’t have to take it all on at one time. With these tips you can get organized and stay organized too, in just minutes a day.

Clutter can be hard to control. It starts out small with a little extra item here and another over there and soon, you’re overwhelmed with clutter. Your previous neat and clean spaces become overrun with stuff.

A few organizing tips and tricks to banish clutter from your home in just minutes a day. Plus tips on how to stay organized once all the clutter is gone. Tip number 2 is one tip that has helped me the most. It seems so simple but it really does work.

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It happens so silently, you don’t really notice it. It just sneaks in as a gift you receive or an item you couldn’t leave on the shelf at the store. Slowly it builds until you guessed it, you have a cluttered home.

Now you could dedicate a whole weekend to decluttering and organizing. You could clear out all your closets, drawers, and pantry. You could move everything out and then sort it one by one. All in one weekend.

But when you have so much to organize and declutter it can be overwhelming. But when you take small steps regularly you can get organized.

You don’t have to give up a whole weekend or even an hour. Getting organized can be done in easy 10-15 minutes sessions.

You can organize while you are watching tv or listening to audiobooks. You don’t have to wait until you have a dedicated day or hour to start decluttering and organizing, you can start right now. Because to be honest, if I waited until I had an hour to devote to getting organized, I could put it off for a long while.

Getting Organized in Just Minutes a Day

1. Find Time to Organized

Find those little slots of time in your day, when you can do a quick organizing or cleaning session.

Are you waiting for the water to boil so you can cook dinner, open a drawer and organize it, while you wait.

Stuck on hold on the phone, open the cupboard in the bathroom and sort the towels and washcloths while you are waiting.

When you grab those few minutes here and there a lot can be accomplished in the time you might have just sat waiting.

Take on a small area of your home every time you have a little time. Soon your home will be organized. As you are organizing, keep a list of baskets, containers, and others things you need to purchase to keep the areas you’ve decluttered organized and looking great.

A little money spent can save a lot of headaches later on when you don’t have to declutter and organize again.

2. Everything Has a Place

Make sure every item in you own has a place to live in your home. When each item has it’s own place the house stays neat clean and organized. When items don’t have a place things can get cluttered.

When you bring a new item into the home be sure to find a place for it right away. If you are limited on space, keep clutter from building up use the one in one out principle. It really does help to keep the clutter down if you use it.

3. Organize as You Put Away

As you are stocking your pantry with new items, organize a shelf or two. Be sure to put the new items in the back and the older items in the front to rotate and use them up.

Put like items together or organize by size. Sometimes it hard to group the like items together since the bottles or boxes can be all different sizes.

Try organizing by size, keep the bigger items on the taller shelves and the smaller items on the shorter shelves. You won’t have to be moving large items to reach behind to get that last small bottle in the back of the closet. Plus it will keep the items looking nice and neat.

4. Segregate to Save Time

Purchase a mesh lingerie bag for each person. Have each family member put their underwear and socks in their own bag. Wit this method you won’t lose any socks and you’ll save time on sorting too. Let each member match their socks.

Put bed sheets inside of one of the pillow cases so you’ll always know which sheets go with which set. It also makes them look neater in the closet.

5. Plan Ahead to Keep Organized

When the kids are playing with small toys like Legos or other small multi-piece toys, have them play on a blanket. When playtime is over you can gather up the blanket and dump all the pieces at once into their storage bucket.

No more finding those stray Lego pieces in the dark with your feet, and clean up is so much easier too.

A few organizing tips and tricks to banish clutter from your home in just minutes a day. Plus tips on how to stay organized once all the clutter is gone. Tip number 2 is one tip that has helped me the most. It seems so simple but it really does work.

6. Use Baskets or Trays

Under the sink can get so messy. Buy a few inexpensive baskets to keep like cleaning items together. Place the basket under the sink, when you need to clean grab the basket out and use the items, then place it back.

The items stay organized and if you need to clean or do a repair under the sink you can quickly remove everything and replace it quickly.

This also works for the back of the car, the bottom of the closet and for spice jars too.

These 6 tips can be really helpful in getting organized and staying organized without giving up a whole weekend to get it done. Take advantage of those few minutes you find here and there and get your home organized in no time.

More Organizing Tips

Ways to Save on Organizing
Tackling Closet Clutter
Get Organized and Save Money


  1. Love these easy ideas! I bought several tray/basket things to help organize my kitchen cabinet and under the sinks in the bathroom, and they have been great 🙂

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