Make the Most of your Mornings Day 13

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Last night I was in bed on time. I was able to get all of my 5 tasks done before bed and I was glad I did all 5 tasks. If I hadn’t we would have had frozen bread for breakfast. This routine has saved me a few times. I was up on time this morning, I dressed right away, and ate some eggs and yogurt for breakfast. So far I was off to a good start and I went right into finishing my new morning tasks. I spent a little too much time this morning on my e-mailing and blogging but other than that I stayed true to my tasks. I did get started about 10 minutes late on my exercise, but I did get my exercise in today! Here is what I am working on,

So far in this challenge the changes I am making

1. Bed by 10:30 each night
2. I have my top 5 things to do each evening
3. I have set a time to wake up at 6:30 and out of bed by 7:00
4. Each morning I will pray and name three things I am thankful for to help my day get off to a good start.
5. Have a plan for your day, I set up 5 goals to work on for the remainder of this year.

6. Make a Realistic To Do List, I am trying to keep mine to 5 tasks a day
7. Get some exercise in, I am committing to 10 minutes of exercise a day
8. Eat Something Nutritious

9. Stop telling yourself “I am not a morning person”
10. Get Dressed in Something that makes you Feel Good
11. Want to make a change? Replace a bad habit with a good one
12. Have a Morning Plan of Action

Today’s Assignment day 13, There is no one right way to do anything

Today was a day to evaluate how things have been going for the last two weeks and change anything that doesn’t seem to be working for me. Since I have been implementing these changes, I have found all the changes seem to be working fine for me. I will have to see how everything goes next week when we start back to doing our homeschooling full-time. I may need to make some changes at that time but for now I am sticking with my plan as is.

How is your morning routine working for you? Are you as productive as you want to be?


Other Posts in this Series

Make the Most of your Mornings Day 1 and 2
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 3
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 4
Make the Most of your Mornings, Day 5
Make the Most of Your Mornings Day 6
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 7
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 8
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 9
Make the Most of you Mornings Day 10
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 11
Make the Most of your Mornings Day 12


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