4 Weeks to a More Organized Home…Simplified {Day 7}

Crystal’s  assignment for today ended up being an easy one for us at our home today. First I wrote out my to do list. Today I was much better at limiting the amount I put on my to do list. I am getting better at being a little more realistic about what I can get done. I also got dressed in some capri pants and a nice t-shirt. It was a little warmer today and I am not quite ready to quit wearing my capris. 🙂

After we finished up our homeschooling for today, I recruited the kids to help me with getting the next item on the list done, vacuuming. We have a tri-level home, so the kids took the upstairs to vacuum while I worked on the main floor and basement.

We found a few dust bunnies on the hardwood floors today. These seem to accumulate in our home quickly. Maybe it is the fact that both my daughter and myself have long hair. Along with having 2 dogs and a cat that seem to be non-stop hair shedding monsters.

I was vacuuming downstairs and just happened to look upstairs to see my son not helping his sister but peeking downstairs at me.

The kids did do a good job upstairs. Well I really should say my daughter did a great job as you can see in the picture below there was more playing than helping with my little guy.

Our home is now rid of the dust bunnies at least for a few days. Did you get any cleaning done today?


One Comment

  1. I cleaned my baseboards yesterday since I’d just vacuumed on Monday (while my husband cleaned the car). It’s great that your kids were so helpful!

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