4 Weeks to a More Organized Home…Simplified {Day 3}

I am keeping up with these assignments, how about you? Today Crystal’s assignments consisted of getting dressed in something you love. Today for me that  was comfortable pants and a t-shirt. Nothing fancy but at least comfortable. Second assignment was to make a to do list. I got mine together this morning. I had lots of blog related items to do on my list today. Third assignment spend 10 minutes cleaning the freezer and lastly spend 10 minutes cleaning the bedroom.

 After breakfast, we started right into homeschooling today. We did an experiment first, extracting the DNA from split peas. Then it was onto the usual school work. Once done with the school work I started to rummage, well clean the freezer.

Since it was almost lunch I decided to see if there were any odds and ends in the freezer to make. Sure enough I found 3 cheeseburger rolls, half a bag of frozen french fries and one-fourth a bag of broccoli. So lunch was born. I added half a sandwich and everyone had plenty to eat.

I even found 5 cookie dough rolls I had forgotten all about so I thawed one while we were having lunch and made fresh gingersnap cookies. There is a benefit to all this cleaning, today it was cookies.

I did find a few items I forgot about in the freezer but nothing needed to be thrown away. I just needed to re-organize the items.



Once the freezer was finished and the lunch dishes were cleaned up thanks to the help from the kids. I moved onto the bedroom. I found a cluttered mess on our antique radio and a few other items in the room that needed to be put away. The dust was moderate in our bedroom somehow last week I must have forgotten to dust in there.

While I picked up and dusted, the kids got the vacuum and in about 10-15 minutes the bedroom was nice and clean and dust free.

How is your house coming along?



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