31 Days of Homemaking Day 31

Recharge, making time for yourself,

Now that I have come to the end of the 31 Days posts as you can see I saved taking time for yourself for the last post. Why? Because that is what a lot of us homemakers do. We put ourselves last in all that we do.

We don’t do it on purpose at least I don’t intentionally do this. I think most homemakers in general are people who like to care for others. Helping others, doing for others makes at least me feel whole. I love to give of my time and love to my family.

My friend once told me “if you don’t recharge yourself how will you have anything to give?” This statement is so true from my wise friend who is a homemaker and a mother to six kids. I love it when friends know just want you need without you saying a word about what is going on in your life.

So how does a homemaker go about re-charging so they have enough to give? Well that is such a personal thing for each one of us. Something I may do to re-charge may be a chore to you.

For myself reading my Bible helps me put my life in perspective. I get filled up with God’s word. Taking time to relax in a bath can help me feel ready to go and give more in times when I am running low. Even doing a favorite craft like working on a knitting project or writing a blog post can help me to re-charge.

Please take time to re-charge yourself before you are running low. Find something that you love and fit it in. So you can always have enough to give. Your family will be blessed so much more when you take a little time for yourself.

When I started this venture to write about homemaking for 31 days I thought how in the world am I going to do all of these posts. What in the world will I write in each one that will be of value to my readers. But now I have come to the end I have so many more ideas I could share.

At the beginning I feared I would not have enough to share and at the end I ended up without enough posts to share all I wanted. It is funny how fear can cloud your mind into believing something can’t be done. When in the end once the fear has cleared you always had more than you needed.

I really hope you have enjoyed this series. I know I did enjoy writing all about homemaking. I think this may be the most important post of all. Remember if you don’t re-charge how will you have enough to give to other?

What is your favorite way to re-charge yourself so you always have enough to give to your family and others?


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