October Garden Update

This gardening season is almost finished for the year. I will need to turn over the soil before it starts to rain too much. We have quite a bit of compost that just wasn’t composted enough on top of the soil and we want to get it mixed in. When we purchased compost this spring, I didn’t go with the person I usually purchase from,  but found someone else. The pictures in the ad of the compost looked good and it didn’t even look too bad when it was delivered. But after it dried out a bit it was very evident that it hadn’t been composted enough.

Garden Update October

We had 5 yards delivered so we just spread it out and hoped for the best. Things didn’t grow as well this year as they usually do, but I ‘m not sure if it was the weather or the compost. We had our hottest weather in May this year and some rain during August which is really unusual, even for rainy Oregon.

Zucchini Still Growning

So we are hoping by tilling the soil before our rainy season starts,  it will give the soil a chance to improve over the winter. But I am still holding onto a few last plants in the garden.

Orange Pepper

We still have a few zucchini trying to ripen. Along with some peppers. I picked this nice orange one and there are still some green ones too. I may just have to pick them green since I don’t think it will be warm enough to ripen. I am giving it another week to see if there is any change.

Baby Bell peppers

Before I pulled up the beans this year, I harvested some pods so I could dry them and save the seeds for next year. We grow three varieties and I should have plenty of seeds for next year.

Bush Beans for Seed Saving

The carrots are still growing just fine and I will leave them in until we are ready to turn the soil over. I love the flavor of home-grown carrots they are so much sweeter than the ones from the store.

Carrot plants


Baby Carrot Harvested

I also found some mushrooms already taking hold in the grass. We have been having a good amount of rain already and they just love the moist lawn. We seem to get them each fall in the lawn.

yard mushrooms

What plants do you have growing in your garden?



This post is linked up at An Oregon Cottage, Tuesday Garden Party

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  1. We are just getting started on our fall garden. We have beets, lettuce, green bean, eggplant, carrots, snap peas, leeks, parsley, dill, thyme and lemons growing here.
    Your carrots look scrumptious!

      1. We’re in Central Florida, so we are able to garden almost year-round. The fall garden is such a treat as we don’t grow much in the summer and are itching to get back into the dirt! ;0D

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